05.12.2009 I have accidentally stumbled upon this amazing article and I was immediately fascinated by their results. Taking a photo of pitch black space with nothing but amateur equipment is an idea simply too astonishing to pass on.
So an idea was born. Can we do the same in Czech Republic, Europe?
Lets see.
czANSO Flight 03.09.2011 - max altitude 31km / maximální výška 31km from Pavel Richter on Vimeo.
Náš první let byl maximálně úspěšný!
Our first flight was just astonishing!
V čase 11:18:06 dosahl balon své maximální výšky 31 084 metrů. V této výšce měl balon něco kolem 9 metrů v průměru!
At the time of 11:18:06 balloon reached a maximum height of 31,084 meters. At this altitude balloon burst, because it already had about 9 meters in diameter!
Fotky z balony, videa z balonu, telemetrie, Google Earth KML, logy, záznamy:
Flight photos, videos, telemetry, KML, logs: