czANSO - Czech Amateur Near-Space Object

česky / english

Our story - will be completed soon

05.12.2009 > First idea

07.12.2009 > First individuals offered cooperation

10.12.2009 > Project page was created

23.12.2009 > First technical analysis

14.01.2010 > Flight Control Concept

21.01.2010 > Payload block diagram -

01.02.2010 > The first project sponsor is HWKitchen! ( ). Thank you for Seeeduino Mega board and GSM/GPRS module!

15.02.2010 > We are looking correct gps module

15.02.2010 > Its not so easy to find XBee-PRO 868 supplier

01.03.2010 > Blog created! (sorry, only czech for now)

04.03.2010 > We order from Kaymont balloons and parachute

01.04.2010 > BLOG!

03.09.2011 v 09:00 !

Prediction: 100% FINAL GO!

Mission Flight Results

czANSO Flight 03.09.2011 - max altitude 31km / maximální výška 31km from Pavel Richter on Vimeo.

Náš první let byl maximálně úspěšný!
Our first flight was just astonishing!

V čase 11:18:06 dosahl balon své maximální výšky 31 084 metrů. V této výšce měl balon něco kolem 9 metrů v průměru!
At the time of 11:18:06 balloon reached a maximum height of 31,084 meters. At this altitude balloon burst, because it already had about 9 meters in diameter!

Fotky z balony, videa z balonu, telemetrie, Google Earth KML, logy, záznamy:
Flight photos, videos, telemetry, KML, logs: